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  • Update man folder.



  • Fix docu titles.

  • Fix docu.



  • Review the whole roxygen documentation.

  • Remove tag ‘@description’.

  • Remove ‘@title’.

  • Fix documentation.


Bug fixes

  • Style file.

  • Remove unnecessary comments.

  • Remove unnecessary comments.

  • Lintr styling.

  • Remove or fix section titles.

  • Use withr::options() correctly.

  • Paste the previous state using options().

  • Style package.

  • Use withr::with_options() instead of options().

  • Use seq_len or seq_along instead of 1:length(…).

  • Replace the symbols T and F by TRUE and FALSE.

  • Remove unused assigned variables by checking that closures have the proper usage using checkUsage.


  • Update NEWS.

  • Update all rd files.

  • Update docs.

  • Add new dependency to withr.

  • Add checks for required packages.



Bug fixes

  • Style file.

  • Remove unnecessary comments.

  • Remove unnecessary comments.

  • Lintr styling.

  • Remove or fix section titles.

  • Use withr::options() correctly.

  • Paste the previous state using options().

  • Style package.

  • Use withr::with_options() instead of options().

  • Use seq_len or seq_along instead of 1:length(…).

  • Replace the symbols T and F by TRUE and FALSE.

  • Remove unused assigned variables by checking that closures have the proper usage using checkUsage.


  • Update all rd files.

  • Update docs.

  • Add new dependency to withr.

  • Add checks for required packages.



Bug fixes

  • Remove space.


  • Add a message to check whether DiagrammeR is installed to run the draw_flow() function.

Build system, external dependencies

  • Add new dependency to rlang::is_installed.

  • Add influenceR in the Suggests field.


  • Update DESCRIPTION fields.

  • Update info about author.

  • Add example to mod_tsvs.

  • Add example for mod_tsvs.

  • Add example to mod_tsvs.

  • Add example to mod_prepa_rr.

  • Add new dependencies.

  • Remove empty line.

  • Add missing (CCO/FSIO).

  • Fix typo.


  • Add test to mod_catcontvar.

  • Write test for mod_tsvs.

  • Add new test for mod_prepa_rr.

  • Add new test for mod_inp_kamila.

  • Add external files in testthat directory.

  • Add more tests to gen_demo_data.

  • Write first test.

  • Use testthat.


Bug fixes

  • Add arguments for the data size of the simulated data.

  • Remove all ‘dplyr::select’ and replace by ‘select’.

  • Remove unncessary functionalities for browser_at() and options(keep.intermediate = TRUE).

these functionalities served originally to set a browser at a particular module externally (browser_at) and to return all the outputs if the code stops at a particular point in the workflow for options(keep.intermediate = TRUE)

Build system, external dependencies

  • Add dependency to dplyr select().

  • Remove one global variable.


  • Add precision for the results.

  • Add links and remove allow html.

  • Move the flow plot and legend to the top of the page.

  • Add legend to the flow plot.

  • Read flow figure from man/figures.

  • Add flow png to man/figures.

  • Add flow plot to README.

  • Add comment.

  • Add precision about the examples.


Bug fixes

  • Fix the original names.

  • Use 80% of the data on the training set to determine kstar.

  • Rename variables with their original names.

  • Fix the name of the tibble random data.

  • Add subfolders to be able to store data specific for kamila and general data in ‘all’.

  • Add ‘all’ folder.


  • Add new parameters files.

  • Create randomly demo data.


  • Stop tracking .Rprofile.


  • Add the complete examples to the README.

  • Remove unnecessary spaces.

  • Use rewrite comments.

  • Update Rd file with new title.

  • Fix options R chunk.

  • Start example with demo_data.

  • Add argument method_name to gen_demo_data().

  • Add documentation to NAMESPACE and man folder for gen_demo_data().



  • Set options(warnPartialMatchArgs = FALSE) in the .Rprofile of the project.


Bug fixes

  • Replace length.out with by.

  • Fix partial argument matching in seq().

  • Fix partial matching argument.

  • Delete multiplot.R.

  • Fix partial matching problems.

  • Add plotOps functino definition.

  • Remove ‘fs::dir_create’ and replace with dir_create.

  • Remove ‘fs::dir_copy’ and replace with dir_copy.

  • Remove ‘library(grid)’.

  • Remove ‘library(Hmisc)’.

  • Remove ‘library(fst) read_fst’ and replace with read_fst.

  • Remove ‘data.table::fwrite’ and replace with fwrite.

  • Remove ‘library(fst) write_fst’ and replace with write_fst.

  • Remove ‘Hmisc::bystats’ and replace with bystats.

  • Remove ‘Hmisc::describe’ and replace with describe.

  • Remove ‘DiagrammeR::render_graph’ and replace with render_graph.

  • Remove ‘DiagrammeR::add_global_graph_attrs’ and replace with add_global_graph_attrs.

  • Remove ‘DiagrammeR::create_graph’ and replace with create_graph.

  • Remove ‘DiagrammeR::create_node_df’ and replace with create_node_df.

  • Fix email and title in DESCRIPTION.

  • Replace by the native pipe.

  • Remove default container.

  • Move scripts to inst/scripts/.

  • Fix url rrclust logo.


  • Add missing functions read_utf8 and invalid_utf8.

  • Style all package files.

Build system, external dependencies

  • Add missing dependencies for plotOps.

  • Add dependency to fs dir_create.

  • Add dependency to fs dir_copy.

  • Add dependency to Hmisc bystats.

  • Add dependency to Hmisc describe.

  • Add dependency to DiagrammeR render_graph.

  • Add dependency to DiagrammeR add_global_graph_attrs.

  • Add dependency to DiagrammeR create_graph.

  • Add dependency to DiagrammeR create_edge_df.

  • Add dependency to DiagrammeR create_edge_df.

  • Add dependency to DiagrammeR create_node_df.

  • Add new global variables and dependencies.

  • Add new globals.

  • Add more dependencies.

  • Remove import caTools kamila and data.table.

  • Add more global variables.

  • Add more dependencies.

  • Add dependencies and global variables with.


  • Add inst/scripts/* to .gitignore.


  • Update Rd file.

  • Remove unncessary return in DESCRIPTION.

  • Rewrite DESCRITPTION description field.

  • Update Rd files.

  • Replace ‘’ by ‘’.

  • Update Rd files.

  • Add missing documentation.

  • Update Rd files.

  • Fix non working link.

  • Update Rd files.

  • Write all missing arguments documentation.

  • Remove documented arguments not in usage.

  • Update Rd files.

  • Style file.

  • Fix missing parameter definition.

  • Update Rd files and NAMESPACE.

  • Fix missing parameter definition and fix typos.

  • Fix missing parameter definition and fix typos.

  • Update Rd file.

  • Update Rd file.

  • Update Rd file.

  • Add parameter doc.

  • Update the man Rd file for the new title.

  • Update man folder.

  • Add precision to README.

  • Fix titles size.

  • Update README.

  • Update NEWS.


  • Merge pull request #1 from asam-group/rrclust_lyl.

Add logo and R CMD check package

  • Merge branch ‘rrclust_llc’ of into rrclust_llc.

Bug fixes

  • Fix url rrclust logo.


  • Style all package files.


  • Merge pull request #1 from asam-group/rrclust_lyl.

Add logo and R CMD check package

  • Merge branch ‘rrclust_llc’ of into rrclust_llc.

Bug fixes

  • Remove obsolete examples.

Build system, external dependencies

  • Update .gitignore.

  • Build .Rbuildignore.

  • Add license.


  • Create NAMESPACE.

  • Build README.

  • Create all Rd files in man folder.


  • Merge branch ‘rrclust_llc’ of into rrclust_llc.

rrclust 1.0.5

Add a new table for descriptive statistics

Correct condition in function_kamplot

rrclust 1.0.4

Correction “monthly_rent” into “monthly_pension” and “Register of Rents” into “Pension register” in the graphs

rrclust 1.0.3

correction “monthly_rent” into “monthly_pension”

rrclust 1.0.2

adaptation to the large pension register (more variables available)

rrclust 1.0.1

new graphs to add in the working paper

rrclust 1.0.0

first operational version used for the working paper

rrclust 0.1.4

kstar instead of gstar

rrclust 0.1.3


rrclust 0.1.2

Kamila with 3 clusters with gstar = 3

rrclust 0.1.1

Kamila package used for mixed-type data

rrclust 0.1.0

Creation of the package rrclust